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PRO DERMA PLUS ultimate skin needling technology...




Skin resurfacing and skin rejuvenation all in one extraordinary treatment!  The micro channels created by the PRO DERMA PLUS are perceived by the body to be an injury, the body is actually fooled into thinking that there has been damage to the skin and so launches into repair mode (a normal response to injury).  This initiates a cascade of events known as the wound healing process in which each micro channel created goes through a process of inflammation, proliferation and then tissue remodelling resulting in increased collagen and elastin production - if there is just one tiny channel, this response would not be of such importance, however when you think of the thousands of tiny micro channels created during a derma pen treatment - the result is a whole new layer of collagen laid down over the treated area.  This process may be repeated until desired results are achieved.



                  Studies have shown up to a 1000% increase in collagen and elastin production ...



RAVIR Medics and Pro Derma Plus

                             the ultimate combination for optimum results      


                        To allow for an even more intense treatment PRO DERMA PLUS has the added benefit of the Regeneration Bar,                           a 24K T-shaped head which, once energised, vibrates 6000 times per minute and emits pure gold negative ions.  These                            ions stimulate the dermal level to emit more collagen, balance renewal, eliminate facial oedema, lighten fine lines, encourage skin to not only lighten on pigmented areas, but to become healthier, more moist, full of elasticity and rejuvenated.


Combining RAVIR Medics skincare with skin needling treatments ensures the skin has an adequate supply of the nutrients necessary for  optimum  renewal and repair - at the very minimum we recommend the use of RAVIR's Vitamin A and Vitamin C along  with our Luminous Peptide Serum and Amino-Lift Peptide Complex to assist with anti-aging processes.  


NB:   Results from skin needling are only as good as the products used during the treatment.


Derma pens have the ability  to  'push' active  substances  through the  stratum  corneum and into the lower layers

of the epidermis where they become far more  effective.  Micro channels created  during treatment remain

open  for at  least one hour and any active substances applied are absorbed far more efficiently.





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